Book Review: What Once Was Lost

       "What Once Was Lost" is a fiction book written by Kim Vogel Sawyer. I received this book for free from Waterbrook Multnomah Publishing Group for review. This book begins by introducing the reader to Christina Willems, the caretaker of the people who live in the poor house. Shortly after the story begins, a fire destroys the house causing Miss Willems and her charges to move out. Sawyer then writes of the troubles Christina faces as she works to rebuild the house. Finally, everything works out for the best and the story has a happy ending.
     Kim Vogel Sawyer does a good job of introducing the characters to the reader; however, I had a difficult time becoming fully engaged in the story. This book was extremely difficult to read simply because I was not interested. I believe that some people could pick up the book and "fall in love" with it, but I am not one of those people.
     Overall, the book was good. It had a good story, but I was just not as sucked in as I would like. I would recommend this book to those who enjoy historical fiction and romance.


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